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    Root Canal Treatment Turkey Enhance Your Dental health!

    Root canal treatment has a reputation for being a costly procedure. Not anymore! Treating tooth pulp effectively for affordable prices can be achieved in Turkey.

    Root Canal Treatment Turkey

    Do you feel excruciating pain in your teeth, or did you notice some swelling in one of your cheeks? You probably think about tooth decay at this point, but you might have other dental problems to worry about! 


    If you have a tooth that needs root canal treatment, you do not need to feel alarmed. However, it would be best if you chose an experienced doctor to rid you of the issue in the smoothest way possible. Like all other dental cures, the dentist’s craftiness and savoir-faire play a cardinal role in performing root canal treatment with the help of the appropriate set of materials and equipment. 


    If not, you may experience long-term complications you can easily avoid by picking the right dental experts. What destination can be better than Turkey to seek dental treatment? With Global Clinic, you will not have to worry about looking for qualified dentists because we work with a selection of competent, talented experts who prioritise the patient’s health and well-being above anything else. 

    What Is Root Canal Treatment in Turkey? 

    Beneath the tooth’s white enamel and the dentin (a yellowish tissue that makes up the bulk of the tooth), there is the pulp, a soft tissue residing at the tooth’s heart. The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue responsible for the root’s growth during the development of the tooth. 


    Root canal treatment is the main branch of endodontics that specialises in the study and remedy of the pulp. As part of an entire dentistry orientation concerned with detecting, preventing, and curing tooth pulp infections, root canal treatment is designated to eradicate bacteria from the infected root canal, halt future inflammations, and preserve the natural tooth to live longer. 


    Even if the pulp is entirely removed, the tooth can continue to develop and thrive as it receives nourishment from the surrounding tissue. 

    Treating the Pulp to Safeguard the Tooth! 

    Root canal treatment is a relatively simple procedure that will not take more than two doctor appointments, depending on the tooth’s condition. It is similar to a dental filling and is usually painless and significantly efficacious. Patients with root canal problems are expected to regain chewing and biting functions shortly following the procedure.  


    The root canal curative technique consists mainly of cleansing, enlarging, and shaping the infected root canal to enable the future filling of medical substances inside the pulp cavity. Once filled, the interior of the tooth becomes protected against bacteria. 


    If the pulp is acutely infected, the doctor may leave the widened cavity open for a certain amount of time to ensure drain with the help of antibiotics that assist the body in fighting the inflammation. 


    When the doctor makes sure that the tooth cavity is infection free, the second phase of the treatment gets initiated by removing the previous filling and replacing it with special materials like zinc oxide and eugenol, iodoform-based pastes, and calcium hydroxide to stop bacteria from infiltrating the tooth again. The dentist also adds a metal pin to the root canal to secure the filling. 

    Is It Necessary to Extract the Pulp? 

    A tooth with inflamed or degraded pulp needs root canal treatment to halt the spread of infection to the periodontal ligament (a soft connective tissue embedded between the cementum and the inner wall of the alveolar bone socket) that links the tooth to the jaw. Thus, removing the diseased pulp allows the tooth to heal and maintain its function. 

    Should the Doctor Remove the Tooth? 

    Resorting to endodontic treatment is more practical than a tooth extraction, in the sense that treating the tooth cavity efficiently will save it from being permanently removed, which is a more radical and irreversible procedure.  


    Extraction should be followed by placing an implant to secure the adjacent teeth from shifting on both sides of the space caused by uprooting the damaged tooth. If left unfilled, the hollow space will further destabilise the surrounding teeth, diminishing the patient’s capacity to chew and bite, impeding oral hygiene, increasing tooth susceptibility to cavities, and eventually leading to tooth loss. 

    Are There Symptoms of Root Canal Infection? 

    Pain. People usually know they have dental problems when they feel pain. Typically, one of the most significant indications of pulp infection that necessitate root canal treatment is pain that spreads to your jawbone, neck or ear.


    According to the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), toothache occurs when decay or inflammation extends to infect the nerve and fluctuates in intensity. Hence, the pain may recede when the pulp reaches advanced stages of inflammation and dies. But it does not mean that the problem has disappeared. 


    Red, swollen tissue. You may see unusual redness in the gum area under or surrounding the teeth. The swelling can extend to the face and neck zone too. 


    Bad breath. The patient may also have bad taste in the mouth or an annoying smell emanating from the infected tissue. 


    Pus discharge. The infected tooth may discharge exudate fluid when it reaches crucial stages of inflammation. 


    Soreness in swollen tissue. The patient may feel pain in the swollen gum tissue, especially when applying pressure. 

    Can Inflammation Expand To Gingiva Or Dental Structure?  

    Once the root canal gets infected other tissues of the surrounding teeth, gums, cheeks and face are soon to follow. 


    The seriousness of the infection depends on how soon you seek treatment after experiencing symptoms. Either way, the problem will only go away with the necessary therapy. However, the longer you wait, the graver the inflammation can get; it may even reach the bloodstream in extreme scenarios. 

    What Happens When You DON’T Treat an Infected Root Canal? 

    If the infected pulp is not treated as soon as possible, the inflammation will progress to deeper tissues causing tooth abscess and serious complications that can lead to losing jawbone and soft dental tissues. 


    On the other hand, an uncured tooth abscess can cause infection in the chin, face, and neck areas leading to poisoning the bloodstream (Sepsis) in later stages. 

    Are There Differences Between Tooth Filling and Root Canal Treatment in Turkey? 

    Many patients get confused about tooth filling and root canal treatment, as both dental procedures have common characteristics. To be specific, root canal treatment is a more extensive technique that involves local anaesthesia. 


    Tooth Filling in Turkey. Dentists in Turkey usually recommend dental fillings when the tooth is mildly damaged by decay, i.e. when the tooth pulp is still intact and decay is still away from the connective tissues (located at the centre of the tooth). A tooth filling can also be an effective fix for minimal tooth fractures. 


    A tooth-filling procedure is about cleaning the tooth cavity and then filling the vacuum or imperfection with composite resin to prevent future complications or pain. 


    Root Canal Treatment in Turkey. Root canal treatment in Turkey becomes necessary when decay reaches the centre of the tooth and fatally damages the pulp, in addition to repairing damaged cavities. The therapy mainly involves removing the pulp and filling the tooth’s heart with particular medical substances. 

    Main Steps of Root Canal Treatment in Turkey

    1-Preparing the tooth

    Step 1: As a first step, an X-ray is taken to see the shape of the root canal and identify the infected spot. 


    Step 2: Then, the dentist disinfects and washes the oral cavity. 


    Step 3: The application of local anaesthesia to alleviate any feelings of pain or discomfort and guarantee the smoothness of the treatment. 


    Step 4: The dentist assesses the condition of the pulp chamber and the damaged root canals of the tooth. 

    2-Cleaning and drilling the tooth 

    Step 1: Afterward, the dentist starts cleaning the root canals thoroughly while removing internal necrotic tissues, residual nerves, and blood vessels. 


    Step 2: Using a dental twist drill, the dentist drills the tooth’s surface while trying to conserve as much as possible of its remaining structure. 

    3-Filling and sealing the tooth 

    Step 1: After the drilling, the cavity gets disinfected in preparation for filling. 


    Step 2: When the pulp chamber is wholly disinfected and dried, it is packed with root canal filling-substances. 


    Step 3: Finally, the tooth is sealed with a permanent filling. 

    Can I combine Root Canal Treatment With Other Dental Cures in Turkey?

    Root canals get infected due to poor oral hygiene, which is the leading cause of most dental issues. In this case, the patient may have other problems, like missing teeth, that need to be fixed. The root canal treatment can be paired with additional procedures like dental implants and dental crowns. 


    If your teeth are misaligned or missing significant portions of their enamel due to cavities, you can discuss a Hollywood Smile procedure following the root canal therapy.

    What Factors Influence Prices of Root Canal Treatment in Turkey? 

    Suppose you are looking for smooth, complication-free root canal treatment, then Istanbul is the destination you need to have your teeth fixed for affordable costs. Before you pack for the trip, bear in mind that some factors affect the price packages, including the number of teeth and nerves requiring the treatment and the complexities related to the procedure.

    What Are the Prices of Root Canal Treatment in Turkey? 

    International patients visit Istanbul and other Turkish cities to benefit from luxurious medical services on a budget. As such, prices can be remarkably different in other countries compared to Turkey, as demonstrated in the table below: 


    Price at Global Clinic (€) (Per root)

    Price range in Turkey (€)(Per root) Price range in UK (£) (Per root)

    Price range in Europe (€) (Per root)


    100-150 400-600

    550- 900

    Root Canal Treatment Cost Advantage at Global Clinic! 

    Although root canal treatment is a standard procedure, costs can vary significantly depending on many factors. For instance, prices can be very high in Europe and the United States. In Turkey, it is a different story! Dental treatments available in Turkish clinics are generally budget-friendly. 


    At Global Clinic, we offer affordable operational costs without giving up our high standards of quality, precision, and professionalism. 


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