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    All About Inverted Nipple Surgery in Istanbul!

    Nipple inversion affects many women in different stages of their lives. Aesthetic clinics in Turkey offer safe corrective procedures to restore the natural shape of the nipples

    Inverted Nipple Surgery in Turkey

    Many women have inverted nipples that point inward or lie flat instead of pointing out. This disorder is also referred to as retracted or embedded nipples and can affect one or both breasts.


    Nipple inversion is a widespread pathologic condition affecting 2% to 10% percent of women.


    A woman can be born with inverted nipples. However, if the irregularity is not congenital and starts to occur during later stages of life, it could be a sign of a medical issue that needs hasty intervention.


    Inverted nipples can occur at the same degree in both breasts. Still, in various cases, there is usually a slight asymmetry between the two nipples, with one nipple that shows more apparent invertedness.  


    This condition can be the source of various physical problems ranging from having functional difficulties related to breastfeeding adequately and experiencing local irritation and infection.


    Patients also may feel psychological discomfort due to being deeply dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. Though the effects of nipple inversion are rarely discussed, this pathology can be a source of embracement and self-consciousness. 


    Facts About Inverted Nipples

    10% of women may observe at least one inverted nipple

    75% of women had experienced increased nipple sensitivity after inverted nipple surgery.

    What Are the Degrees of Nipple Inversion?

    The inverted nipple condition is observed through different degrees assessed by the seriousness of the condition.

    Grade 1. The nipple can be smoothly pulled outward and sometimes stand out with cold or stimulation. The patient can still breastfeed with ease.

    Grade 2. The nipple can be pulled outward but quickly returns to its original shape. The patient may face difficulties while breastfeeding.

    Grade 3. The condition is severe. The patient may not be able to pull the nipple out at all or breastfeed.

    What Causes Inverted Nipples Disorder?

    Nipple inversion is a disorder that can be triggered by various factors including:


    Ageing. Women in their mid-30s notice changes in their breasts that will continue as they age. From that age towards menopause, the mammary ducts shorten, which may lead nipples to shift into the breasts.


    As risks of breast cancer increase with age, it is vital to check with the doctor if you notice any unusual changes in the breast area.


    Breastfeeding, breast surgery, injury. If you have recently finished breastfeeding, your nipple may reverse position inward.


    On the other hand, breast surgery or injuries in that area can cause your nipples to invert also.


    Congenital Nipple Inversion. Since breasts are formed in the womb, nipples can get inverted if their base remains small or the milk ducts do not develop fully.


    Mammary duct ectasia. It is a benign (non-cancerous) breast condition that occurs when a milk duct in the breast widens, and its walls thicken.


    This condition mainly affects women between the age of 45 and 55 and can be treated with antibiotics to unclog the glandular units or use surgery to remove it entirely.


    Bacterial infection. Women can develop an infection at the level of the mammary ducts due to bacteria. The condition is referred to as periductal mastitis and is common among women who just gave birth.


    Abscess under the areola. Troubles may also occur when the glands under the areola get infected, which leads to forming a spot filled with pus (an abscess).


    The newly formed abscess, conventionally associated with nipple piercing or diabetes, can retract the nipple inward.


    Breast cancer. If nipple inversion occurs suddenly, it may be a sign of breast cancer. Other symptoms may include a lump, thickness, dimples, or other skin changes in the breast area.


    Paget’s disease of the nipple. This disorder causes eczema-like irregularities to the skin of the nipple and the areola. It is usually a sign of breast cancer in the tissue behind the nipple.

    What is Inverted Nipple Surgery in Turkey?  

    Nipples’ aesthetics display a round brown areola and a sticking-out tip which plays a pivotal role in shaping the overall look of the breasts.


    A particular muscle is located under the breast area responsible for making the nipple enlarge in response to cold, touches, stress, and the menstrual cycle.


    Usually, embedded nipples occur when the mammary ducts (i.e., the exocrine glandular units that produce milk) become shorter or the muscle behind the nipple contracts.


    Inverted nipples can be corrected surgically by releasing the foreshortened ducts using minimally invasive techniques in most cases.


    Patients may be suffering without being aware that this condition can be cured with relatively simple measures daily performed by surgeons in Turkey who skillfully manage to pull the nipples out without causing any damage to the mammary ducts.


    In fact, Turkey is the home of distinguished plastic surgeons who changed the lives of thousands of patients choosing to undergo different breast-related procedures in Istanbul and other Turkish cities.


    People may be reluctant to seek help for nipple inversion issues without realising that in Turkey, clinics are well-equipped to fix the problem smoothly and safely. 


    Fast facts About Inverted Nipples Surgery in Turkey
    Procedure Inverted Nipples Surgery
    Duration on Procedure One to two hours
    Recovery Period One to two weeks
    Results Correcting the flat appearance of nipples

    Increasing the nipple projection

    Making the nipples and breasts look more normal

    What Are the Stages of Inverted Nipple Surgery in Turkey?

    The procedure mainly involves releasing the connecting tissues that keep the nipple inverted.  


    This process relies on a microsurgical technique as the surgeon uses surgical magnifying glasses to avoid damaging the mammary ducts. Hence, one of the operation’s most important objectives is to ensure the nipples look natural and protect their innervating traits.


    The surgery is usually performed over five steps:

    1. Consultation

    The journey of getting the nipples restored to their natural location starts with a detailed consultation with the surgeon, who will:

    • Conduct a thorough examination of the nipples and the breasts’ condition in general
    • Go over the patient’s medical history and current treatments
    • Discuss the patient’s expectations about the surgery results
    • Recommend a treatment plan that serves the patient’s condition and the severity of inversion.

    2. Anaesthesia

    Inverted nipple surgery is usually performed employing general anaesthesia. The anaesthetic substance is administered before the operation to ensure the patient’s comfort.  

    3. Making the incision

    When the anaesthesia takes effect, the surgeon makes a tiny incision at the base of the nipple and then lifts it.

    4. Releasing the tissue

    At this stage, the surgeon pulls the mammary duct tissues from the surrounding tissues to the base of the nipple to prevent retracting the tip again.

    5. Closing the incision

    The incision is stitched carefully to support the projection of the nipple.

    Are there Post Op Instructions that I Should Know? 

    After the surgery, it is time for your body to rest and recover. Your healing capacity will decide the results of the procedure. This is why you should know how the process will be and what steps you should follow to ensure a smooth recovery. 


    Medication. You may feel pain and discomfort within 24-48 hours after the operation. Your surgeon will prescribe painkillers to help you manage pain. 


    Taking your medication with food is preferable to avoid nausea or stomach aches. Make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water to stay hydrated. 


    Incision care. During your early postoperative period, your nipple will be attached to a medicine cup to aid the repair process. It is also crucial not to disturb the suture anchored to the nipple. 


    It would be best if you kept the gauze covering the nipple clean and dry until you reach a stage where you can shower and clean your nipple as you usually do, in addition to wearing a loose-fitting bra to avoid compression on the area. 


    Activity. Walking and moving around the first night after surgery are also important. 


    Avoid strenuous activities or heavy lifting until your surgeon clears you. 


    Diet. You can resume your regular diet as soon as the anaesthesia effect disappears. 

    Why Should You Choose Turkey to Have Inverted Nipple Surgery? 

    Searching for the most qualified medical facility to have inverted nipple surgery is no easy task, especially amid the heated competition in the medical tourism sector and particularly in the field of plastic surgery. 


    For many good reasons, Turkey has stood out as the most preferred destination to undergo safe and affordable cosmetic procedures. 

    Impeccably trained surgeons 

    Turkey is the home of qualified medical professionals best known for their competence and extended set of skills. 


    Building a robust reputation in the field of plastic surgery, proven by a solid record of successful procedures, would not be possible without qualified surgeons to make it happen. 


    Plastic surgeons in Turkey are required to pass more medical schooling stages than cosmetic surgeons in the USA, for example, which requires them to:

    • Complete a four-year university degree
    • Complete four years of medical school
    • Complete five years of residency

    Latest medical equipment 

    There is a general tendency among Turkish clinics to use state-of-art technologies, aiming essentially to ensure the best care for the patients using the latest and safest methods. 


    Thanks to the thriving manufacturing sector, medical tourism professionals in Turkey can control costs because they do not have to import most equipment. 

    Exceptional exchange rate

    Due to the difference in exchange rates between the Turkish lira and the US dollar or the Euro, average residents of both parts of the world would have procedures in Turkey for highly economical prices. 


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