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    All What You Need To Know About Breast Fat Injections Turkey!

    Age, hormones, weight loss, and pregnancy can lead breasts to sag and lose freshness. Fat breast injections in Turkey can restore the breasts’ firmness and natural look.

    Breast Fat Injections in Turkey

    As a major contributor to the field of medical tourism, Turkey has developed into a prominent destination for aesthetic surgery seekers. 


    Patients from all over the world come to Istanbul and other Turkish cities to have breast fat injections, thanks to cosmetic clinics’ solid reputation.


    The fat transfer technique was performed for the first time in 1893 by Gustav Neuber, a German surgeon, who took fatty tissue from a patient’s arm and reinjected it around his eye to treat scars caused by a bone infection. 


    Neuber’s approach was considered a pioneering plastic reconstruction operation before being applied on a large scale in cosmetic surgery over the last twenty years.


    Fat transfer ranks today among the most requested plastic procedures worldwide. It is a non-invasive operation that consists of transferring fat to different areas of the body (face, breast, buttocks) with the aim of reshaping and rejuvenating saggy or ageing body parts. 


    Fast Facts About Breast Fat Injections in Turkey


    Breast Fat Injections
    Duration Three to four hours
    Anaesthesia General anaesthesia
    Location Turkey, Istanbul
    Possible side effects Soreness, swelling, and bruising
    Recovery time Four weeks
    Expected results Well defined, firmer, and fuller breasts

    What Is a Breast Fat Injection in Turkey? 

    Breasts as a body mass can be weakened and stretched downward by ageing, weight loss, or pregnancy. 


    Breast fat injections are destined to fix the problem of drooping lifeless breasts by remodelling their shape and adding firmness to the entire bosom area. 


    Breast fat injection is a plastic technique aiming to reshape breasts that lose volume and liveliness by reintroducing fat grafts into the area in need. 


    The process consists of removing excess fat by means of liposuction or lipoaspiration using special syringes called cannulas. 


    The harvested fat is then placed in a centrifuge to be separated from body fluids, purified, and sterilised to end the presence of fluids that can cause hematomas and inflammations under the skin of the treated areas. 


    Later, the extracted fat cells are re-injected into the breast area to add volume and definition. 


    The fat injection technique should be performed by an experienced, well-trained surgeon who will not only re-distribute the fat grafts into the breasts but also sculpt the area into the desired shape. 

    Why Do Women Get Breast Fat Injections in Turkey? 

    This technique is suitable for women who want to transform the appearance of their breasts without adding too much volume.


    This operation is considered safe and less invasive because it does not use external synthetic products such as botox and allows the epidermis to regenerate and offer a tighter, younger, and more radiant appearance of the breasts. 


    Breast fat injections are used to restore the shape of the breasts after breastfeeding or when they sag over time or to reconstruct the breasts after their removal following cancer. 


    The result of this method is definitive, without causing scars. It offers a natural look and feel, preserves the sensitivity of the nipple, and does not interfere with the interpretation of a mammogram. 

    How To Prepare With Your Doctor for Getting Your Breast Fat injections in Turkey?

    Your journey with breast fat injections starts with seeing the surgeon who will listen to your needs, analyse your lifestyle and diet, and study your medical file and possible pathologies.


    The surgeon will also locate the areas that need to be reinforced with new fat cells in your breasts. 


    Photos are taken to make digital simulations and to see the differences before and after the operation.


    Thus, the surgeon may recommend some pre-op preparations to pave the way for a successful operation, including changing diet and stopping the consumption of nicotine products four weeks before the operation.   


    The patient may also have an interview with the clinic’s anaesthesiologist in case of deciding on general anaesthesia for the surgery. 

    What Are the Stages of Breast Fat Injections Procedure?

    1. Fat Harvesting

    The surgeon previously draws the areas of harvesting and remodelling before extracting the fat from strategic places, using a cannula inserted through a small incision in the skin to harvest the adipose tissue. 


    The harvested fat is placed in a centrifuge or filtered to remove all impurities.

    2. Fat Injecting 

    The purified fat cells are gradually reintroduced under the breasts epidermis using extremely fine cannulas, while being guided and shaped by the surgeon.


     This step lasts one to four hours, depending on the extent of the treated area.

    What Does Recovery Look Like After Breast Fat Injections Procedure in Turkey? 

    After the operation, your surgeon will wrap an elastic bandage around your breast and fit you with a surgical bra to help fat cells settle into their designated place. 


    You may experience pain, bruising, swelling, and discomfort in your breasts and liposuctioned areas for up to three weeks. Swelling may persist for up to six months. 


    To ease the recovery, your surgeon may recommend the following: 

    • Sleep on your back to keep pressure off of your breasts.
    • Take antibiotics and pain relievers as prescribed by the doctor.
    • Wear loose-fitting clothing to avoid compressing your breasts.

    What Are the Risks of Breast Fat Injections in Turkey?

     Breast fat injections can have some side effects, which are usually mild and temporary 

    • Bleeding and bruising.
    • Fat cell death (necrosis) or fat cells moving out of your breasts to different parts of your body.
    • Infection.
    • Noncancerous (benign) breast cysts or breast calcifications.

    What Do We Include In Our Prices At Global Clinic?

     At Global Clinic, we offer competitive prices that will encourage you to have your surgery with us. Our package for a breast fat injection procedure includes the following:

    1. Preoperative examination
    2. Laboratory fees
    3. All clinic fees
    4. All consultations with your cosmetic surgeon at the clinic
    5. The operation with up-to-date technology in an accredited clinic
    6. All materials used in the surgery
    7. Medical file with all relevant documents
    8. Our planning team will organise your stay and help you before, during, and after the procedure
    9. Free transfers between the airport, the hotel, and the clinic

     What Are the Costs of Breast Fat Injections in Turkey?

    Turkish cosmetic clinics have an excellent reputation in the field of providing fat injections to enhance the shape and firmness of the breasts


    International patients visit Turkey daily to benefit from top medical services in recognized health facilities that adhere to hygiene and ethical practice standards.


    While working relentlessly to improve the quality of treatments and surgeries, Turkish clinics and Global Clinic have always offered competitive prices significantly lower than other facilities in the UK, the Netherlands, and the USA. 


    Country  Prices
    Turkey 1700-2150€
    UK 4000-5500£
    USA 4800-8800$
    Netherlands 5100-7000$
    Global Clinic 1700€


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